Archives of Event

Seed saving for the future

They are all sorts of crazy shapes and sizes those seeds and spores. Of course some plant reproduction is possible without them – by grafting tissue onto recipient stock plants, or splitting perennials, dividing roots, taking cutting and even microscopic tissue culture, but nothing gets away from the fact that seeds and spores were where it all started.
Crystal Palace Overground Festival

Gardener’s Question Time

Crystal Palace Overground Festival! A local festival for everyone! 26 – 29 JUNE 2014. Sunday 29th June is triangle day and at 3pm it’s Gardeners’ Question Time in The Greek Orthodox Church of Saints Constantine and Helen, Westow Street. Should be a giggle. ‘Join a specially prepared panel of local experts – Jack from the […]

Haven 7th June

The company was great, the food was amazing and the people who came to play and peruse were delightful once again. We managed to all beat the weather in the end. Thanks Crystal Palace Food Market and all who sail in her for being such lovely hosts, and Chelsea Fringe for letting us jump aboard. […]

Haven 24th May

What a lovely swathe of people – producing, populating and perusing the Crystal Palace Transition Town Food Market, Haynes Lane, SE19 3AP every Saturday, 10-3pm. But this Saturday and the one a fortnight later it will be again our collective home for the day as ‘Haven’. Not wishing to give too much away – you should come […]

Haven upcoming

Sarah Newton, Sarah Burns and Michelle Falzon have collaborated to make a mini garden designed to prompt a thought of what is a Haven. We are kindly being hosted under the Crystal Palace Market banner as part of The Chelsea Fringe Festival for two dates only! Come and see us and explore what might be […]


Rediscover and connect nurturing of imagination for health and wider connection to the environment.