Archives of Review

Strulch on a triple layer bed

The Benefits of Raised Beds and Mulches

Water droplets captured on a leaf

Watering The Wildlife

It has been a strangely long dry period across the UK for the last few months, and thanks to being a potential El Nino year plus other factors large parts of the Globe have also been affected. On a domestic level, this means that animals of all species need a bit of help finding the tap, (especially in the Summer).

Something about Foxes

Foxes. we used to consider them as animals of the Countryside, but as our species has so foolishly reduced the natural habitats and general conditions that provide the foxes with their natural dwellings and diet, they have established themselves more amongst the cityscapes.

Beautiful Butterflies Grown at home

The very ethereal fairy quality and miraculous transformation that butterflies undergo does not escape the eye or heart of many children or adults. The very speed of it is also quite unbelievable when equivocated with the sheer mass of time it takes us mammalian human beings to even make up our minds about this or that; let alone gestate from an idea to a new born. Perhaps all the more reason to study the amazing life cycle of the butterfly - in the comfort of your own home.

Using Calcified Seaweed to improve soil

A lot of people still ask me what on Earth this product is and why on earth would anyone want to use it. It’s simple. It’s a great soil improver. Especially on clay, where not only does it help activate the healthy microbial micro fauna and flora to make the soil a more exciting place for all to exchange energy and better drainage, it also helps break up the cloggy boggyness that can be left over from a wet winter.